CONGRATULATIONS to Ava Young (class of ‘25) for her third place win in Spencertown Academy’s 2023 Writers” Contest.
According to the judges, Ava’s story, titled Living For Rose, “is a story about envy and the uselessness of stereotypes. Ava has created believable characters and situations, with wonderful details, realistic expressions of emotion and a transformative twist of fate. Best of all, the plot, though simple, flows from character, with each of the main characters undergoing change. The ambiguous ending is just right for a story about teenagers.”
The Fiction pieces were judged by Emily A McCully and Elaine Khosrova. Emily A. McCully is the author of an O Henry prize story, two adult novels and many children’s books. Elaine Khosrova is the author of Butter, A Rich History and has worked as an editor for various national magazines.
Spencertown Academy has proudly offered this competition since 2015. Their goal is to encourage creative writing among students in grades 9-12 (including homeschool) in Columbia County, NY and Berkshire County, MA. This year’s contest attracted 28 creative individuals, writing in either Fiction or Non-Fiction (personal essay) categories.